Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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ДОСТУПЕН ЭЛЕКТРОННЫЙ ВАРИАНТ КНИГИ! Глубинное строение, эволюция и полезные ископаемые раннедокембрийского фундамента Восточно-Европейской платформы: Интерпретация материалов по опорному профилю 1-ЕВ, профилям 4В и ТАТСЕЙС: В 2 т. + комплект цветных приложений. — М.: ГЕОКАРТ: ГЕОС, 2010. — Т. 1. 408 с. + 48 с. цв. вкл. Список литературы помещен во второй том. (РОСНЕДРА, РАН, ГЕОКАРТ) Том 1 (Скачать) Том 2 (Скачать) Дополнителные материалы (Скачать zip архив) |
ПУБЛИКАЦИИ 1. Mints M.V., Konilov A.N. Geodynamic crustal evolution and long-lived supercontinents during the Palaeoproterozoic: evidences from granulite-gneiss belts, collisional and accretionary orogens // "The Precambrian Earth: Tempos and events" in series "Developments in Precambrian Geology, 12" (Eds. - P.G.Eriksson, W.Altermann, D.R.Nelson, W.U.Mueller and O.Catuneanu). Amsterdam-Boston and other, Elsevier, 2004. Chapter. 3.9, p. 223-239. 3. Mints M.V., 2007. Paleoproterozoic Supercontinent: Origin and Evolution of Accretionary and Collisional Orogens Exemplified in Northern Cratons // Geotectonics, 2007, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 257–280. (rus) 4. Mints, M., Suleimanov, A., Zamozhniaya, N. and Stupak, V. A 3-D model of the Early Precambrian crust under the southeastern Fennoscandian Shield: Karelia Craton and Belomorian tectonic province // Tectonophysics 472 (2009) 323–339 . 5. Michael V.Mints, Irina B.Philippova, Pavel S.Babayants, Yury I.Blokh, Alexey A.Trusov. 3-D model of the deep crustal structure of the Volga-Uralia craton: the Tatseis reflection profile // Papers of the International Symposium “ Models of the Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle ”. S.- Petersburg. VSEGEI-Press. 2007. P. 130-134 6. Michael V.Mints, Irina B.Philippova, Arsen K.Suleimanov, Nadezhda G.Zamozhniaya, Pavel S.Babayants, Yury I.Blokh, Alexey A.Trusov. 3-D model of the deep crustal structure of the Ryazan '- Saratov and East-Voronezh collision orogens (eastern Voronezg crystalline massif, East-European platform): the 1-EU reflection seismic profile, 2450-3500 km // Papers of the International Symposium “ Models of the Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle ”. S.- Petersburg. VSEGEI-Press. 2007. P . 120-125 . 7. Mints, Michael V., Suleimanov, Arsen K., Zamozhniaya, Nadezhda G., Stupak, Vladimir M. A 3-D model of the deep crustal structure of the Karelian-Belomorian region of the Fennoscandian Shield: 1-EU, 4B and FIRE-1 profiles // Papers of the International Symposium “ Models of the Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle ”. S.- Petersburg. VSEGEI-Press. 2007. P. 115-119. 8. Mints, Michael V. The deep crustal structure and Early Precambrian evolution of the East European craton: data from the 1-EU, 4B, EGGI, FIRE-1, FIRE-4, Tatseis and ERSU-2003-2005 seismic reflection profiles // Papers of the International Symposium “ Models of the Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle ”. S.- Petersburg. VSEGEI-Press. 2007. P. 106-109. 9.Shchipansky A.A., Samsonov A.V., Bibikova E.V., Babarina I.I., Konilov A.N., Krylov K.K., Slabunov A.I., Bogina M.M. 2.8 Ga boninite-hosting partial suprasubduction zone ophiolite sequences from the North Karelian greenstone belt, NE Baltic Shield, Russia // "Precambrian ophiolites and related rocks" in series "Developments in Precambrian Geology, 13" (T. Kusky - Ed). Amsterdam-Boston and other, Elsevier, 2004. P. 430-486. 10. Dokukina K. A., Vladimirov V.G. Tectonic fragmentation of Basaltic melt // Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 401, No. 2, 2005, pp. 182–186. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 400, No. 5, 2005, pp. 660–665. 11. Rosen О . М . , Manakov А .V.2, Gorev N.I. Does the Siberian superplume come from several episodes of the oceanic crust subducted down to D'' layer during 1 Gyr? // Large ineous provincea of Asia, mantle plumes and metallogeny. Novosibirsk, Sibprint, 2009, p. 262-264. 12. Goltveger V.J., Kunina N.M. Modern GEODYNAMIC SYSTEMS OF the CENTRAL AND NORTHERN EURASIA (download) 13. Khotin M. Yu., Shapiro M. N. Ophiolites of the Kamchatsky Mys Peninsula, Eastern Kamchatka: Structure, Composition, and Geodynamic Setting // Geotectonics, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 297–320. 14. Хотин М.Ю., Шапиро М.Н. Офиолиты Камчатского Мыса (Восточная Камчатка): строение, состав, геодинамические условия формирования (скачать) 15. M.V. Mints, E.A. Belousova, A.N. Konilov, L.M. Natapov, A.A. Shchipansky, W.L. Griffin, S.Y., O'Reilly, K.A. Dokukina and T.V. Kaulina Mesoarchean subduction processes: 2.87 Ga eclogites from the Kola Peninsula, Russia // Geology 2010; 38; 739-742 (скачать) |
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