Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Rosen Oleg Markovich

Born at 1932 in Moscow , graduated Moscow Geological Prospect Institute at 1955 in prospecting and geological cartography specialty

Karaganda geological board, 1955-1965, Karaganda city: geological cartography at North Kazakhstan , Chief of the field party. 1965-1979, Moscow city, All Union Institute of mineral raw materials, chief of the Laboratory of lithology and geochemistry of the Precambrian. 1980-2000, Institute of the Lithosphere, Ruusian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Chief of the Precambrian Laboratory and The Anabar Field Expedition boss. 2000-to day principal scientist in Geological Institute, RAS, Moscow

Scienific biography stages. 1967 - defend a candidate paper “The Kokchetav massive Early Precambrain geology”. 1992 - defend a doctor graduation paper on “The Earth crust formation of the Anabar shield”. 1992-1993 - working in The New Mexico Institute of mining and technology, New Mexico , USA , on the Grant of the National Scientific foundation (NSF) about the Siberian craton Precambrian evolution. 260 papers are published as well as 5 monographs in cooperation.


Main results. In the Kokchetav massive, North Kazakhstan , the Mesoproterozoic age is established for the Earth's crust and layered –folded nature revealed for the eclogite complex. In the Siberian craton and the Anabar Shield the Paleoproterozoic collision systems came to light as a part of the supercontinent Pangea-1. The systematic of metamorphic carbonate rocks is worked and proposed for the Subcomission on metamorphic rocks (SCMR) of the International Commission on Systhematic in Petrology (ICP) of the Interrnational Union of the Geological Sciences (IUGS). The concept on the lithospheric keel for the Yakutian Diamondiferous Province got involved with Rosen's work at present in a Cooperative Project with the Joint Stock Company “ALROSA”

Scientific projects proposed by O.M. Rosen are supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) at 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 years, National Science Foundation (USA), 1992-1993, Subcomission on metamorphic rocks (SCMR) , 1975- 1985. ã .

Organizational working . Chairman of the Lithology and geochemistry section of the Interdepartmental Lithological Committee of t RAS, member of the Interdepartmental Petrography Commtee RAS, chief of the Work Group on the carbonate rocks in the international Subcomission on metamorphic rocks (SCMR)

Awards .

Honorary deeds at 1958 and 1961 years from the Karaganda Geological and Prospecting Expedition of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR .

Diploma and the First Award from Moscow Society of Naturalists for the collective publication “Tectonic Map of the East Kazakhstan ” accompanied with a monograph “Tectonics of Kazakhstan” (Nauka Press, Moscow, 1982)

Honorary title and medal “Veteran of labour”

Silver medal of the All Russia exhibition of attainments of national enterprise. Diploma from the Presidium RAS with silver badge for exposition to the 27-th International Geological Congress, 1984.

Scholarship holder of the Presidium RAS, 1997-2000


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